20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

The very best friend 
I could wish for
So kind and so true
Will always be dear to me
A soul sister like you. 

Happy birthday, bestie!
Today is your special day, big sis, and I would like to thank you for always keeping a close and caring eye on me, never letting anything interfere with my happiness and for always protecting me.

I’m so blessed for having you in my life and being able to share my childhood with you. I feel like I owe so much to you.

Have a great birthday, dear sis!
Twins have a very special and unique connection, but really that connection is only as great as the bond that they share. I’m so glad that we decided to embrace ours and cherish it, sis.

You’re the most special person in the world to me, and the truth is simply that you always will be.

Happy birthday, my dear twin sister.
Happy birthday to one of the funniest and most entertaining people I know! I hope you have an awesome birthday this year!
A beautiful and caring sister like you deserves the world! I’m hoping that’s exactly what you receive on your special day today! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my number-one!

You always have been the first and
foremost in my heart and you always
will be!

I'm hoping that your special day today
fills you with joy and contains lots of
very special moments for you!
Happy birthday to you, bro!

Today is the one day of the year where you can have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy it while you can!
I’m one of the lucky ones to be
Blessed with a crazy cousin like you
A super funny dude who’s like a 
Brother through and through!

Happy birthday, buddy!
Happy birthday to a papa who is truly
one of a kind! You are the most caring
and supportive father out there!
Happy birthday, dad. 

Thank you for always being there for
me. You’re a fantastic father and so
much more than just a father-in-law.
I want you to know, on your anniversary today, that you aren’t simply special to me once a year on your birthday, rather you’re special to me every day.
On your very special day, I want to wish a fantastic birthday to not one, but two of God’s greatest miracles; the coolest twins that I know!

As we all know, twins are double the trouble, but they are also double the fun. And you are both twice of everything that is good in this world.

You are the spitting image of each other, sometimes it is hard to tell you apart, but it's not a problem since you both have the same kind heart.

I hope you both have the massive, amazing birthday that you deserve!
Wishing you a second birthday filled
with fun games and lots of laughter!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday, mommy.

Just how very much I miss you is beyond comprehension, there are no words sufficient enough to describe the gap you left when you went to heaven.
My dear daughter, as you turn 18 and
begin this next chapter of your life I want
to wish you all the very best for it.

I hope that your journey into adulthood is
an exciting one that’s full of adventures
and new experiences for you.

Happy birthday, my princess.

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