20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

You’re always watching over me, so I know that you’ll see me lighting a candle in your honor today.

Happy birthday to you, my beloved father.
It’s crazy to think that you’re halfway to 18 and becoming an adult! Please slow down or you’ll be all grown up before we know it!

Happy birthday to you!
It’s hard to believe that you’re
seven-years-old already!

You’ve blossomed into such a
beautiful young girl and you’re
making everyone so proud! 

May you have the happiest
birthday ever today!
To my dear fiancé
Who’s so far away
I hope you still have
A truly spectacular day!

Happy birthday,
Love of my life!
As you celebrate your birthday today, I just want you to know what a fabulous influence you have been on me and the impact you have made on my school life.

I have learned more than I ever could’ve imagined with you as my teacher, and I’ll always be grateful for everything that you’ve taught me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday to a sweet, kind
boy who I am very proud of and
lucky enough to call my stepson!

Have an amazing birthday, dear!
Happy birthday, bestie!

On your special day, it must be told, that there is no better friend than you in the whole entire world!
Happy birthday to you today,
my sweet princess!

You are the most adorable little
girl in the whole wide world and
I just wish that time could stand
still so that you would stay that
way forever!
You’re already getting so big
Now that you’ve turned 2
I’m so excited to see all of
The fantastic things you’ll do!

Happy 2nd birthday!
As your special day comes around
this year, I thought it would be the
perfect time to tell you how special
you are to me too.

Your incredible friendship has touched
my heart in so many wonderful ways,
and knowing I have someone who is
always there for me is a blessing. I’ll
always be grateful to you for that.

I hope you have the best celebrations
and the most amazing birthday today,
girl. You deserve it. 
Wishing the happiest birthday ever to
the person I have always been destined
to end up with: my dear soulmate!

It has always been you and now that we
have finally found each other, my search
for my soulmate is over!

I hope you have the loveliest birthday
today because you are the loveliest
person in the world!

Love you with all my heart!
I didn’t need a reminder to wish you a
happy birthday today, my friend, it was
already at the forefront of my mind!

Enjoy your day, bestie!
Happy birthday, little dude!

You are a very special little guy to us,
you stole our hearts from the very
first moment we met you;
the most gorgeous, sweetest
little boy we had ever met.

We hope you have a wonderful birthday,
and that you are showered with lots
of amazing gifts at your party!
You’re the best big brother I could ever wish for! I’m wishing you a very happy birthday and I hope your special day is truly incredible, bro!
You may be all grown up, but to us you will always be our little baby! We will continue to embarrass you on every chance we get. Happy 18th birthday!

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