20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy 2nd birthday, little one!

Wishing you love, laughter
and lots of cake today!
Happy birthday to you. You are a lady so full of wisdom and I just want you to know, on your special day, that I have learned so much from you.

May you have a very enjoyable day today being celebrated for the wonderful person that you are.
Ever since the day you were born you
have taken hold of a big spot in my heart. 

You are a wonderful boy, the dearest of
nephews, and I love you as if you were
my own son.

Have a lovely birthday, and may your
dearest dreams come true!
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today as you celebrate turning 19 years of age!

I hope this very special milestone in your life is a memorable one, and may the future hold nothing but greatness for you, my dear!
Happy birthday to my little girl!

May your dreams grow bigger with each passing year that you grow too!
From the boy you were
To the man you’ve become
To simply say I am proud
Of everything you have done
Doesn’t even begin to describe
My immense pride for you, son.

Happy 18th birthday to you. May
You have a lifetime of happiness.
Happy birthday to you!

Today you turn seven, but you have your whole life still ahead of you!

Always follow your dreams and shoot for the stars, my dear. Nothing is impossible for a wonderful kid like you!
Happy 17th to the birthday boy and greatest teenager around! You’re growing up to be quite a remarkable young man!
Happy birthday to you today, pa!

You are a good man, an incredible parent and the greatest gift I have ever received.

I feel very lucky and very privileged to have had such a wonderful father growing up and, on your special day, I just want you to know how truly grateful I am for you.

Here’s to you today!
If I had to describe what a sister
means to me in one word, I would
simply say everything. You mean
the whole world to me and more,
sis. You truly are a godsend.

I’m wishing you the happiest
birthday possible today.
Happy birthday, little sis!

It must be so nice not ever having to worry about your age because at least you’ll always be younger than me! That’s possibly the best gift I could ever give to you!
Happy birthday to my all-time favorite gal pal. I hope you know that day or night, you will always have a best friend in me to support you, girl.
Happy birthday, dad. On your special day this year, I simply want you to know how much you mean to me ❤️
Not only are you an inspiration to all
those around you, but that also makes
you an inspiration to yourself. You are
truly fabulous, girl. Happy birthday.
Today I have the absolute pleasure of
wishing my dear friend a happy birthday!

You are such an amazing guy and there’s
no doubt that you’re an amazing friend,
but to be honest you are even more than
that to me.

You are more like a brother figure in my
life. Thank you for being the incredible
and supportive person that you are!

I hope your birthday is wonderful this year!

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