20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

29 years young! Happy birthday to you!

I hope that this year is just as great as all the other years that have preceded it!
My little boy is getting bigger, for today he turns 5!

Happy 5th birthday, my darling! I love you to the end of the world and back again!
A gentle and kind-natured
lady like you deserves a truly
magnificent birthday today!

You’ve been my guiding light
for such a long time now and
with each passing year, I only
become more grateful for
having you in my life.

I’m wishing you a very happy
birthday today!
Wishing my sweet dad a happy birthday up in heaven today.

Hope you’re sleeping well, dad.
On your birthday, I wish that I could give you a gift as great as the one you gave me.

You filled some pretty big boots when you took on the role of being my father, providing me with all the love and care I could possibly need. To me, there is no gift greater than that.

Happy birthday to you, dad.
Sure, being one of a kind is great,
but the only thing better than that
is being two of a kind!

If something is as wonderful as we
are, surely it’s better to have double
the greatness!

Happy birthday to us, my dear twin!
Today I want to express my
gratitude for all you’ve done,
And simply tell you that
you’re an amazing stepmom.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the most wonderful friend! Here’s to another year of laughing at each other’s terrible jokes!
Happy birthday, little brother! 

Seeing what an honor it must be 
having a fabulous sister like me, 
I didn’t think it was necessary to 
get you any other gift this year!
Today is your birthday 
It’s all about you 
So no different really
To any other day!

Happy birthday, wife!
To the one I chose to spend my entire life
with, for better or for worse, I’m wishing
a super happy birthday today!
Today is a particularly important one as it marks your 40th birthday, my dear! A very happy birthday to you!

It’s perfectly natural for people to dread turning 40, but there really isn’t any need in your case, my dear!

Look at it as an opportunity to reflect on all of the amazing accomplishments and experiences you’ve had in your life so far, and think about all of the great things that are yet to come over the many years you still have ahead of you!

I hope you enjoy a day full of incredible celebrations, you wonderful human!
I’ve got a tiny secret to share with you today, which is that I think you’re absolutely gorgeous! You probably already knew that, anyway! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my favorite girl in the class. May your birthday this year be sweet and unique to match your fabulous personality and kind heart.
For a moment I thought it was my birthday as I have the greatest, most beautiful gift in the world: you!

Happy birthday, my gorgeous girl. I hope your special day is as wonderful as you deserve it to be.

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