20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Living without you is beyond difficult, dad, but I try my best to carry on and be happy because I know that’s what you would have wanted. You would never have wanted to see me sad.

Wishing you a happy birthday today, my dear father.
On paper you may be my uncle,
but in reality you are a second dad.

You have always supported me
and given the best guidance,
looking out for my best interests.

You’re one of the most dependable
people I know, and have always given
me a sense of security, in the knowledge
that you’ll always be there no matter what.

So for everything you have done for me
over the years, I want to thank you from
the bottom of my heart.

I hope you have the most wonderful
birthday in the company of those
that love you most!
Happy birthday to us! It’s pretty obvious that you’re my twin brother, but what might be less so is the fact that you’re also my very best friend! 
Father, the responsibility and sacred
power to serve the Lord’s people was
bestowed upon you, and you perform
your duties with such outstanding
grace and excellence.

We are truly blessed to have such a
compassionate priest such as yourself.

From the entire congregation, we are
wishing you a phenomenal birthday today!
Happy birthday to my sweet little princess!

My dear granddaughter, you have brought so much joy to my life ever since you entered this world, and I hope that today, on your birthday, you can experience just as much happiness and more!

You are my everything, my sweet child. Enjoy your special day and enjoy being treated even more than usual!

Love you always, my princess!
There are many types of gifts in the world,
but one gift that even money can’t buy is
a wonderful elder sister like me!

Happy birthday, little brother!
Happy birthday to someone who
inspires and motivates!

If I can follow in your footsteps and
be half the leader that you are I
would be incredibly proud!

I wish you an enjoyable and
memorable day of celebration today!
Weeks and even months can pass between
us seeing each other, but you’ll always be
my favourite relative!

Happy birthday, my dear cousin!
As we celebrate your birthday today, I’m
wishing you eternal peace and hoping that
your soul remains content evermore.

With love from your daughter, mom.
Getting older doesn’t necessarily
mean that you’re growing up…
You’re still the same kid I’ve always
known and loved, little brother! 

Happy birthday!
Congratulations on reaching a quarter of the way to becoming 100 years old!

Happy birthday!
You are a wonderful cousin and a great friend. You are a rock I can hold on to whenever I’m in trouble. Thank you for putting up with me and for always being by my side.

Have a great and wonderful birthday as you deserve!
Happy birthday to someone who is both a mom and a friend all rolled into one!

You are a shining light in anyone’s life, but especially mine! I’m wishing you the wonderful birthday that you so deserve today, my sweet stepmom!
Happy birthday to my favourite twin
sister! We’ve been the best of friends
since the very beginning and we will
be forevermore!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday
today, at least as wonderful as it is
for me, too!
Happy birthday to my very understanding
and tolerant girlfriend!

It can’t be easy being with a model-like
guy who receives so much attention,
but I guess you knew and accepted
that when we first started dating!

Thank you for being so easy-going,
my love! 

I hope you have a wonderful birthday
this year and that some of the attention
is on you for a change!

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