20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

A very happy birthday to you, miss!

You have always motivated and encouraged me to aim high and achieve my goals and for that, I will always be so very grateful to you!

The lessons you have taught me will certainly stay with me for a long time!
To have a boy bestie 
Who’s as great as you
Truly is a blessing to have 
As part of my crew!

I’m sending you a big bro hug 
And wishing you the coolest
And most fantastic birthday
Possible today, buddy!
Happy birthday to you, little sister!

Your birthday is a truly unique one
As even when all is said and done
You might well be another year older
But you never age or get any wiser!
Some exes leave your life, never to be heard from again! I’m so glad that we’ve kept in touch and stayed friends, though! Happy birthday to you today!
My dear son,

No matter how old you become
To me, you will always be
My most special one. 
You truly are my pride and joy.

May you have the very best
And happiest birthday today.
A true friend like you is a rare find. I
hope you know how much I appreciate 
your friendship, girl. Happy birthday.
You are everything I could ever wish for in a mother-in-law and more. I’m very lucky to have you in my life and be a part of yours. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to my brother-in-law
who just so happens to have the
world’s best sister-in-law!

Have an awesome day today, bro!
It’s not easy to find a friend who is funny,
caring, awesome, and who has so many
other great qualities… So you should
consider yourself lucky that you found me!

I’m wishing you all the very best as you
celebrate your 27th birthday this year!
Happy birthday!
You might be older than me but you certainly don’t look it! It seems as though you were blessed with the good genes in the family, sis! Happy birthday!
Our sweet daughter, today you turn another year older and another year more fabulous.

We are so incredibly proud of you and the wonderful, inspirational young woman that you are growing up to be. Keep going down this magnificent path, keep warming our hearts, and keep making us proud.

Happy birthday from mom and dad.
Happy birthday to my little sister who only seems to get more beautiful each year! Either that or my eyesight is getting worse with age!
A lover like you deserves every day to be special, not just once a year on your birthday. 

Happy birthday, sweetie. 😘
I’ve said it once
And I’ll say it more
I’ve never had a friend
As great as you before.
You’re my very best pal
That is so clear to see 
Your friendship means 
Absolutely everything to me.

Happy birthday to you, bestie.
Happy birthday to the
Coolest 9-year old I know
I hope your special day
Doesn’t just come and go!

I’m wishing you a wonderful
And happy year ahead!

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