20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

I just wanted you to know, on your special
day this year, that I always want to keep
you close to me.

Partly because you’re like a brother to me,
but mainly because you know so many of
my secrets!
Although you are not physically here beside me, I still feel your spirit and the warmth from your love surrounding me.

Happy birthday to you in heaven, mom.
Happy birthday to you today, sis!

Isn’t it funny how when we were
younger we would annoy each other
and never want to hang out together,
but nowadays all I wish for is that we
could spend more time together! 
This distance is only temporary
while our friendship is forever!

Happy birthday to you today,
my best friend!
I’ve come to realize that fate must exist,
otherwise how else would two oddballs
like us have met in a world of so many
normal people!

I hope you enjoy your special day today
my cute, unique, gorgeous birthday girl!
Happy birthday, sweetie. This very special birthday of yours marks the end of your childhood and the exciting start of becoming an adult.

I’m wishing you love and happiness ahead.
Happy 16th to the birthday boy who puts the sweet in sweet 16! May this very special birthday of yours bring you joy, happiness, and good luck for the future!
Happy birthday to the world’s best little
brother from the world’s best big brother!

There’s simply no way of getting away from
the fact that we’re world-class siblings, bro!
Happy birthday to my truly 
stunning and unique girlfriend.

It’s true, there’s nobody else
out there quite like you.
My dear nephew,

We remember when you used to come to our house and play for hours. Your aunty always made you that special food you loved and, at night, I would read you stories before you went to sleep, always having time for one more.

We adore you, sweet nephew! Have a very special birthday and a wonderful year to come!

Your loving uncle and aunty
I hope that your sweet sixteenth
birthday brings you only great things,
such as immense joy and prosperity
for your future!

Being able to watch you grow up
and develop into this wonderful
person that you have become has
been such a wonderful pleasure! 

Never change from who you are now,
as you are perfect exactly as you are!

Happy 16th birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday to the most loved
granddaughter in the whole world!

Have a super day!

Lots of love,
Wishing you the best birthday today!

Get your head out of the books and enjoy your special day to the max!

I hope it’s a blast and that you kick off this new year of your life the way you mean to go on, my friend!
I meant to say this to you earlier but...
happy birthday, my friend! 
You know me, I’m renowned for being
fashionably late! What can I say? 
I'm hoping that your special day was a
great and memorable one, anyway!
Happy birthday to you!

Someone with a heart as big as yours
deserves to be celebrated more than
just once a year. I’m grateful for you
each and every day.

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