20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday to my sweetness, my princess, the one I absolutely idolize!

Each day is so much sweeter and more delightful for having you in it!
Happy birthday to the most tender-hearted pup ever to exist! I hope you know how loved you are on your birthday, my dear puppy!
For a perfect student.
On your birthday
Many are the gifts
Coming your way.

You have been truly blessed.
Blessed in so many ways,
If we were to count them
We would be at it for days.

Life has but amazing things in store
For someone as special as you.
You are destined for greatness,
Trust me, it's true.

Have an amazing birthday and many more days to come.
You are great, you are the greatest, you are number one!
Wishing a happy birthday to the best teacher of all time!

If you could teach all of my classes, it would be a dream come true for me! Some students would probably get bored of you, but not me, I think you’re swell!

And no, I’m not being sarcastic! It’s all true, straight from the heart!

I hope you have a magnificent birthday today, teach!
To a true blessing of a brother, on your special day, I’m wishing you the most magnificent birthday possible today. Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to a lovely lady with
the most perfect personality and the
sweetest soul!

I feel very blessed that I was lucky
enough for our paths to cross.

I hope your birthday this year is
just as special and as amazing as
the person you are.
Someone as special as you deserves an extraordinary birthday that’s anything but plain and simple!

Today is your day and it should be an extravagant occasion with glam and glitter, to celebrate the wonder that you are!

I’m sending love your way and wishing you a truly delightful birthday today, girl! I hope you have a fabulous time celebrating!
Of course we had our fights, but we also
had endless nights of sharing and caring.

All of this is part of having a great sister.

Happy birthday, little sis!
Happy birthday to my brother from another mother: my dear cousin! I hope your special day is an awesome one this year!
Today I want to wish a happy birthday to someone who played a vital role in my education and helping me achieve the position I am in today.

It is a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am today in my professional life if it wasn’t for you being responsible for my education at your school, principal!

You paved the path that led me to where I am today, and for that, I will be forever indebted to you!

Wishing you all the very best on your special day!
There aren’t many teachers
like you left; most of the good
ones have retired already! 

Happy birthday, teacher!
Dear son, your special day has come around once again but in reality, each and every day should be special for a kind, sweet, and wonderful boy like you.

Happy birthday to you, and may all of your days be happy and full of joy.
To one of my nearest and dearest,
my sister by affection, I wish you
the happiest birthday ever!
Ma'am, I want to wish you a very
happy birthday today, but also thank
you for all of your guidance and
mentoring over the years.

To me, you are a remarkable woman
and are the very best at what you do.
I certainly wouldn’t be where I am
now without your input.

Many happy returns, ma’am, and I
hope you enjoy your special day.
It truly is an honour to be friends
with the most incredible twin
sisters around!

Wishing you both the loveliest
birthday ever!

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