20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

You may well be my stepsister, but you mean more than just that to me. Our bond runs deeper and that’s why you’ll always be my soul sister. Happy birthday.
Whenever I’m feeling down or a bit lost, I can always count on my dear husband to cheer me up and help me get back on track.

Today, I want to make you feel as special as you make me feel every day.

Have a very special birthday, my love!
Happy birthday to my elder bro!

We may have fought and argued as kids, purposely irritating one another with immature remarks and doing whatever we could to be annoying.

We’re much older now and technically we should be more grown-up, but nothing seems to have changed! I wouldn’t have it any other way, bro!

Wishing you all the best on your special day this year!
Wishing a very
Happy birthday
To my dear mom!

For all that you do
I just want to say to you
That you mean the world
To me and I appreciate
You so very much!

I hope that your special day
This year is everything you
Could ever wish for,
Because you deserve it so!

All my love,
Your dear daughter
I’m lucky that I found you, bestie, as friendships like ours come around but once in a lifetime! I’m wishing you the most fabulous birthday today!
Happy 2nd birthday, kiddiewink!

Now that you are walking all on your
own, it’s such a delight to see what
a curious, sometimes mischievous,
little explorer you are! There are few
greater joys in life than seeing a little
tot like you discovering the world
around them!

Never stop exploring and always keep
that adorable inquisitive nature you
have, little one!
Happy 18th birthday to you, my dear niece!

You’re no longer a kid, sweetie! You’re now a smart, beautiful woman!
We may be around the same age,
but I have always looked up to you
ever since we were kids.

You’re smart, logical, dedicated and
passionate about so many things, such
great qualities that I’ve always aspired
to follow and have as my own.

You’re a great example of someone
who goes after what they want and
never gives up.

I’m so glad to have had you in my
life for so many years, and I know
for sure that we’ll be lifelong friends.

Wishing you the very best on your
birthday, my friend, and much
happiness for the future!
Happy birthday.

Living with someone else isn’t always easy-breezy but then again, the best things in life rarely are easy!

You’re more than worth the effort and compromises though, friend.
There is no other day more perfect
than your birthday to tell you how
incredibly proud and how much I
admire who you’ve become, my
dear son. You’ve turned out to
be a wonderful boy and the
sweetest person.

I have only the greatest love and
an abundance of pride for you.
Happy birthday from mom.
How is it possible that you seem to defy nature and continue to get more and more handsome as you get older? It should be the other way around!

Honestly, you age better than a bottle of fine wine! Happy birthday to you today, good-looking!
For someone I look at with the utmost affection, I’m wishing a birthday that’s no less than perfection.

May your special day this year bring you all the joy and happiness that your kind heart deserves. Happy birthday, my dear.
Happy birthday to you today, sir.

I hope your special day is a welcome break,
as you do such a wonderful job of keeping
this school in fine shape.
Happy birthday to us, twin sister!

It’s no coincidence that the best things in life come in pairs, and we’re living proof of that!

May we continue to amaze and delight all of those who have the pleasure of knowing us!
Happy birthday, my dear! I’m wishing you a heavenly day as you celebrate another blessed year of your life! 

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