20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday, my dear BFF.

Know that I will always believe in you
But much more importantly, always
Remember to believe in yourself. 
21 years ago the most beautiful blessing
came into my life.

Happy birthday, my sweet daughter.
You deserve the world today and always.
I couldn’t wish for a stronger, more caring mother who is always there for me. You’re the best role model in the world, mom. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, mom. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful woman watching over me to light up my path and guide the way. You’re my guardian angel, mom.
Happy birthday to the number 1 woman in my life: my mom! You always have and always will take the top spot in my heart, mom.
There aren’t enough words in the English language to fully express just how much you mean to me, my love! You simply are my everything. Happy birthday ❤️
It’s your first birthday today and you’re the centre of attention, little one! Enjoy a fun day of party games and lots of smiles!
Today is the day that we celebrate your first full year of life, little one!

Happy first birthday!
At the moment there may be many miles between you and I, but they’re no match for the strong bond that we’ve formed over the years! Happy birthday to you!
Anyone could take 
A lesson from you
As truly great students
There are but few.

Happy birthday, dear.
May you have a really
Remarkable year to come.
When a teacher’s as dedicated
And as passionate as you
It’s clear to see that teaching 
Is what you were born to do.

May you have a wonderful
Birthday today and many
More happy years of teaching
Ahead of you.
Our precious daughter turns another year older and more fabulous than ever today! Happy birthday from mom and dad, princess!
Happy birthday, my love! The only slight sign that you’re getting older is your laughter lines, and they’re only from having a funny husband like me!
If there was an award for father of the
year it would go to you. I couldn’t wish
for a better father than you.

Happy birthday, dad. 
Out of all the friends
You truly are the best
A dear BFF who is
Better than all the rest!

Happy birthday, bestie!

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