20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

A very happy birthday to you!

You are a truly remarkable person who has so many wonderful and admirable qualities, all of which you should be proud of!

I hope you have a smashing birthday today, my dear!
I laugh at all your jokes even if they aren’t very funny and I pretend to look interested in everything you have to say.

I don’t think I could be any more obvious that I like you even if I wrote it on my forehead!

Happy birthday to you, sweet crush!
I don’t know what a life without you would be like, big brother, but I know how wonderful it is for having you in it. Happy birthday!
My darling granddaughter turns
another year older today, and
another year more beautiful!

Have a magical birthday, sweetie!
Happy 13th birthday to a youngster who isn’t so young anymore! You are growing up so beautifully and it truly is a pleasure to witness!

I hope you continue to grow so splendidly and I am very hopeful that many amazing opportunities await you!
Having someone like you around to support me through the tough and stressful times is an absolute godsend!

Happy birthday and I am wishing you the best today!
Happy birthday to my sister from
another mister, my sis from another
miss, my fam from another mam!

However you look at it, you’re my
sister one way or another!
Appreciate the small things in life while
you still can, my man!

I mean, it won’t be long before you’ll need
reading glasses to see every little detail!

I’m just kidding with you, buddy! I hope
you have a fantastic birthday today!
Happy birthday, brother-in-law! You deserve an extra big slice of cake on your special day today for everything you have to endure with this family!
Happy birthday to my dear best friend
who is almost as fabulous as me!
Don’t worry, girl, a few more years and
you’ll get there too!

I’m sending you lots of love and wishing
you the best on your special day, bestie!
Now you’re starting to age
your looks are going to fade,
but I’ll keep loving you anyway!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday to my awesome roommate!

I must say that living with you is a breeze, roomie! You are considerate and kind, and you’re so easy to get along with! I couldn’t think of any other person I would rather share a home with!

I’m wishing you the very best today and I really hope you enjoy your special day!
Happy birthday, my darling girl!

There are many uncertainties in life, my
princess, but you can always be sure of
one thing: I will love you forever.

That is something that will never change.

Big hugs and kisses from daddy!
Whoever said guys and girls can’t be just friends has obviously never seen a friendship like ours! I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday today!
Happy birthday to one of the people
I admire most in the whole world!

You don’t need to wear a cape to
be the hero that you are!

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