You’re not just your average, run-of-the-mill type of friend; you’re a true, decent and caring friend that anybody would be lucky to have in their life!
I’m wishing you all the best as you celebrate another fantastic year today! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday! This anniversary of yours is cause for celebration for us both as it also marks the date of when you came into my world as my dear godson!
Of course, had you thrown a big party on the actual day and invited me, I would have wished you a happy birthday there and then... But, as you didn’t, I’m wishing you a late happy birthday instead!
Sure, your hair’s going to go gray and those dashing good looks you’re used to will start to fade, but just think of all the perks and discounts that await you as a senior citizen!
You’re fast approaching double-digits, little dude! Make the most of enjoying all the magic and wonder that comes with being a kid while you still can!