Congratulations on surviving another year, my dear! I am so thankful to have such a kind and caring school friend like you to help get me through each school day too!
Happy birthday, I hope you have a fabulous day today.
Good teachers don’t teach for the money or recognition, they do it purely for the love of teaching. You are a prime example of this, a teacher who teaches from the heart.
I hope you have a fabulous birthday today that rewards you for all that you do.
We’ve been gal pals for what feels like an eternity now, and I can’t tell you how incredibly grateful I am to have had a friend like you in my life all these years.
May your special day today be just as special as the wonderful person that you are.
Your eighteenth birthday has finally arrived, my dear, and it brings me so much joy to see that you’re taking after your old aunt in so many ways. Not least because you’re beautiful and pretty always!
Many see getting older As something that is Annoying and a bore But to me, I think it’s Only a good thing As I only like you better Each year more and more!
Happy birthday from your Favorite younger brother, sis!