20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

A friend like you brings great comfort to
my days, as I know that you are someone
I can always trust and rely upon.

Thank you for always being there for me,
bestie. May you have a very happy
birthday today.
Happy birthday to you, girl!

We will be best friends forever
Here, there, and everywhere!
You’re totally 12
And totally cool
Let’s hope this birthday
Is the best one of all!

Happy birthday to you!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
There aren’t many boyfriends
Who are as wonderful as you!

Of course, that means there 
Must be some that are better,
But let’s not focus on that part!

Happy birthday to you, my love!
You’re another year older
Where has the time gone
You used to be so handsome
But now you’re getting on
Age eventually takes its toll
With wrinkles and grey hair
But you never need to worry
Because I’ll always be there.

Happy birthday to you, my love.
You’re the best cousin ever, better than any big brother since we get to hang out and have fun but I don’t have to live with you! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, brother.

May this year ahead be kind to you,
at least as kind as your soul is.

You’re a truly wonderful person
inside and out with a huge heart,
and I only ever wish you happiness.
Happy birthday to my very
Best friend in the whole world
Who gives me hope and joy. 

You make even the most
Impossible seem possible.
You are a true inspiration, girl.
Happy birthday to the best kid brother a sister could wish for! You might be crazy and sometimes annoying, but I wouldn’t trade you for the world!
Dad, I have so much to thank you for
and your birthday seems as good of
a time as any to do just that. 

So, from the very bottom of my heart,
thank you for everything. You are and
always will be the most special man
to me. Happy heartfelt birthday, dad.
Close your eyes and think of the thing that your heart most desires. Then when you open them, the thing you most desire will be right in front of you: ME!

Happy birthday, my love! ❤️
Remember the days when I used to pick you up from school and we would just talk and talk all the way home. I would help you with your homework just so I would have more time to be with you. Then, later at night, I would read you a story.

I love spending time with you and being able to confide in you! I love you, little sis!

Have a fabulous birthday!
Today you turn 18.
You think you know everything
About what makes the world turn
But there is so much more yet to learn.

What a great kid you were,
Today still a teen you are,
Though it’s no secret of the occult,
You will be a fabulous adult.

Welcome to maturity.
Welcome to reality.
But keep a bit of the fantasy
For tonight it's time to party!

Have a great 18th birthday!
My friend from the past
A friendship made to last
I’m wishing that you may
Have the very best birthday!

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