20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

On this special day, I wish only pure
happiness for you, my dear boyfriend.
I am so grateful to have spent another
year experiencing all of the wonders
in life with someone so incredible.

With you by my side, I feel complete.
You are my strength, my joy, and my
rock. You truly are the wind beneath
my wings.

May you have the best birthday
possible, my love.
Happy birthday to an ex-roomie
but a forever friend! You are a truly
special and unique person, since
I can’t have been easy to live with!
My heart is full of so much love for you each and every day, but I just want to stress that and express my love for you on your special day. Happy birthday, hubby.
Out of all the people in the world, what were the chances that two crazy kids like us would meet! In you, I truly found my soulmate.

Happy birthday, my love!
Celebrating another year of the
wonderful person that you are
fills my heart with so much joy.

Enjoy your special day, brother.
Happy birthday.
Few husbands are
As truly great as you
They simply don’t excel 
The same way you do 
You brighten my days
You’re my shining star 
You’re more than I could 
Ever wish for by far.

Wishing you a birthday 
That is filled with joy,
My love. 
If ever I’ve needed any support or
direction in life, you have always
been the one I turn to first. You are
my driving force and guiding light.

Happy birthday, mom.
You do not look a year older; you look a year younger. What is your secret, dear mother-in-law? How do you look younger and prettier each passing year?

I wish you a happy birthday and I hope life may bless you with many more years!
27 appears to be your perfect age, my dear, as you are glowing! Happy birthday!
Nobody has inspired me to follow my dreams as much as you have, miss! Thank you for your never ending support and belief in me! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to someone who doesn't get nearly enough recognition for all of the good that they do! You have such a positive impact on so many young minds!
A goddaughter like you
In the world, there are few
One who brightens each day
More than it’s possible to relay.

You were sent from above
To warm my heart with love
Unfailingly filling me up inside
With joy, admiration and pride.

Happy birthday, my dear!
Good, decent brother-in-laws
There are more than one or two
But a truly great one like you
There are but very few!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to somebody who is nothing short of a saint! I mean, you must be to put up with a roommate like me!
We don’t need a piece of paper
to tell us that we’re sisters-in-law
because deep down in my heart,
you’re the truest of sisters to me.

Happy birthday, my dear. 

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