20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday! You’re my best friend ever and an amazing gal pal like no other.

We have the best times together and the only way we could be more connected is if we were sisters born from the same mother!
Happy birthday, my love.

At any given time, no matter where in the world you are, you’re always the most important and meaningful person to me.

I hope you have a special birthday today, even if I can’t be with you to celebrate.
Happy birthday to you! Your fifties are finally over as today you embark on your journey into your sixties! Now the real fun can begin!

I’m wishing you all the best for what is hopefully the best decade of your life!
To someone very dear to me who is a pure
joy in this world, it gives me great pleasure
to be wishing them a very happy 70th
birthday today!

May this very special milestone bring many
wonderful blessings to your life, my dear!
Being your dad is the best job in the world,
and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Thank
you for being such a beautiful blessing of
a daughter. Happy birthday, sweetie.
I am so proud of you and I thoroughly enjoy working under such an inspirational and strong person like you, ma’am. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the
coolest kid in school!

I hope your birthday is
as awesome as you are!
Happy 25th birthday today! You are well and truly an adult now, but I still can’t help looking at you as though you’re still a kid!

I’ve known you your whole life, and I think that you will always be that sweet little kid in my eyes, no matter how old you get!

Enjoy your very special day and congratulations on reaching this very special milestone in your life with all of your achievements so far!
Happy birthday, my friend!

Our friendship was made to
last, and that it has!

I am so grateful to have had
you in my life for so many years;
you’ve been there to support
me through it all, through the
highs and the lows and
everything in between.

Thank you for your true friendship,
old friend! Wishing you but the
best on your special day!
Happy birthday, kid!

I hope you know that I have always seen
you as my own son, even if on paper you
are my stepson.

You will always be just as special to me as
if you were my birth son.

My only regret is that I haven’t known you
longer since you were born, because
watching you grow up has been one of the
highlights of my life!

Wishing you the happiest birthday yet, son!

I hope you have a day filled with laughter
and joy! Love you lots!
Happy birthday to a principal who is still going strong!

It is great to see that even years after me leaving your school, you are still shaping young minds and doing a fantastic job of it!

I hope you never retire, principal, for everybody’s sake!

Many happy returns and all the very best to you on your birthday this year!
Happy birthday mommy,
from your little boy!

I hope you have a really
amazing birthday today!

Love you lots!
Happy birthday, buddy! You’ve been a friend for as long as I can remember and I can’t imagine not having you in my life!

We’re as close as two friends could be, more like family than mere buddies!

In truth, I actually like you more than I like some people in my own family!

Wishing you the best day, pal!
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We were introduced as classmates but we soon became great friends!

Happy birthday to you today, bestie!
Happy birthday to my guiding light in life, the one person I have always been able to turn to in times of doubt. Happy birthday to you, daddy!

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