20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday to a cheerful and optimistic friend of mine!

Today you make the remarkable age of 40, and I know that you’ll take it in your stride and embrace it. There’s never a dull moment when you’re around, so I’m expecting your 40th to be a big hit!

Many happy returns to you on this special birthday of yours!
We’re joined at the hip, never apart. We hang out and spend so much time with each other, even our parents say that we practically live together!

I’m blessed to have a friend like you.

Happy birthday to you today, bro!
Happy birthday to you today!

I truly believe that special humans should be rewarded for their kindness and generosity and you, my dear, deserve to be rewarded with the world.

I'm praying that this comes true for you this year!
Happy birthday to my best girlie and
closest with the mostest!

Many girls share a special sisterly bond
and ours is undeniable. I’ll always be
grateful for that, my beautiful soul sis!

I’m wishing you a lovely day today and
a super year ahead, sweetie!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

We are connected by the heart and joined
by the soul. To me, you will always be
much more special than just a friend.

I’m wishing you a sensational day today
full of celebration and lovely surprises!
Dear father, today we celebrate the
momentous day you were born and
give thanks for the remarkable
person that you are.

We thank you from the bottom of our
hearts for the wonderful gift you are
to mankind!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you from the better-looking sibling!

While I was blessed with the striking good looks in the family, you were blessed with many other great but less obvious characteristics!

For example, you'll always have youth on your side and you’re the kindest and funniest person I know!

Sending a big hug to you today, bro!
To say you’re an important person to me would be an understatement. You’re a vital part of my being and I don’t know where I’d be without you!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a man who’s so old his joints creak as he moves! It’s all part of old-age, my friend!
We might have fought and argued as kids but as it turns out, you’re not half as bad as I once thought!

Happy birthday to you, sis!
We’ve created some wonderful memories over the years and as great as they are to look back on, it also makes me miss you even more and reminds me that we won’t be creating any new memories on this birthday of yours.

At least we’ll have the rest of our lives together to experience lots of great moments and make many more incredible memories!

Happy birthday to you, my one true love!
Happy birthday, girl!

You’re a friend of mine
Until the end of time
And no distance between us
Can stand in the way of that!
From the moment you enter the
classroom, everyone knows there’s
fun to be had and a great lesson is
about to happen! I can assure you
that this isn’t the case with every
class we have!

Happy birthday to a unique and
wonderful teacher.
We could never give you a gift as
wonderful as you give us: an education
full of knowledge and wonder.

You’re the greatest gift to us all, mam.
Happy birthday.
You might be turning thirty today, but you’ve still got a few youthful years left in you yet! Enjoy them while you can, my friend!

Happy 30th birthday!

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