20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Remarkable teachers like you
In this world, there are very few
Many simply cannot compare
To all the wonders that you share
In you, I’ve learned so much
Deep within my heart, they touch
There’s no teacher I could ask for
Who could have given me more.

I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday
From the bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday, girl!

We might not be able to stay out all night partying like we used to, but that’s just one of the side effects of yet another birthday! It’s to be expected now that we’re getting older!

I hope you have a fab day, bestie!
You’re always there 
To support me
You pick me up 
If I’m knocked down 
Without you in my life
I’d have a meltdown!

Happy birthday, big bro!
Happy birthday, sis!

When we were younger, there were definitely times where I couldn’t stand to be around you. Nowadays, I can’t stand being away from you!
Today, my dear, I’m wishing you the
happiest birthday possible from the
very bottom of my heart.

You are a person whose presence
in my life is as important as can be.
Before I met you, I never thought
that just one person could be so
meaningful to me.
Happy birthday to my
dear mother-in-law who
turns another year more
beautiful today!
You’re not 21 years old,
you’re 21 years young!

You still have plenty of
youthful years to enjoy!

Happy birthday!
Turning eighteen is a special point in
anyone’s life, and I wholeheartedly
wish you the very best, brightest
future possible.

I have no doubt in my mind that you’re
going to do great things, but amidst your
inevitable success always remember to
cherish friendships that are true and make
time for your loved ones, as they are the
ones who will always be there to support
you in any situation.

Being able to share your success with
those closest to you will make it that
much sweeter, too!

Enjoy this special time and have a truly
wonderful 18th birthday!
Happy birthday to an
esteemed client!

Doing business with you
truly is our pleasure!
Exes and friendships don’t
always mix, but I’m so glad
that we remained friends
after we broke up!

Wishing you a lovely birthday,
my dear ex!
Happy birthday to the two most beautiful and extraordinary twin sisters!

We are so lucky that there’s two of you!
Happy birthday, roomie!

I can’t tell you just how much I love having you live with me! The day you moved in changed my life for the better!

I hope you have a truly fabulous birthday this year, my dear!
The best thing about getting older is that the cake has to get bigger each year to accommodate the extra candles!

And with it being your 27th birthday this year, that’s going to be one big cake!

Luckily for you, you have lots of people around you who care about you and will help you devour that gigantic cake!

A very happy birthday to you!
Today is your special day, my friend! Happy birthday to you!

The only thing that makes a workday better is a workday spent with a friend!

Thank you for bringing a bit of light to my day and for keeping me sane while working here!
Happy birthday to one of my dearest!

Some friends are close, but you can’t get much closer than those friends who live with each other!

You bring me an immense amount of joy and I am so lucky to live with my bestie, always having you close at hand! You’re constantly there when I need you!

Enjoy your special day today, my dear!

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