20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

A son like you is a true blessing indeed. On your special day this year, I want you to know just how blessed I am that the Lord gave me such a wonderful and caring son.

Your compassion for mankind is enchanting and I am so very proud of you.

Happy birthday, my boy. Keep gracing the world with your kindness.
All the wonderful memories I have of you will always be stored close to my heart. Happy birthday to you in heaven today, my adored mother.
Happy birthday to my number one girl!

On your special day today, my dear, I aim to make you as happy as you make me every day!

You are a ray of sunshine in anybody’s life, and I’m lucky enough that you’re my stepsis and I get to feel your warmth all year round! Big kisses to you today!
We may not have been family since day one, but we have certainly made up for it in the meantime! Happy birthday to you today, my dear stepsister!
My life felt like it was missing
something before you came into
it, but that void was quickly filled
when I met you and your papa!

I am so thankful to have you both
in my life and I couldn’t be any
prouder to be your stepmom!

Wishing you a lovely birthday with
lots of kisses today, my dear!
Happy birthday, my dear!

I honestly believe that by meeting as sisters later in life and not having each other around to annoy one another when we were growing up has made our relationship better for it!

Luckily, we missed out on all the petty arguments and childish tiffs!
Happy birthday to the most wonderful
stepsister out there! Each day I count
my blessings for having you in my life!
I am so thankful that I was blessed with not one, but two incredible friends!

My life is infinitely better for having you twin boys in it! I hope you each have a marvellous birthday in the company of your wonderful friends!
Congratulations and big kisses to a
particularly important man in my life who
celebrates his birthday today! If only you
knew just how special you really are to me!
Happy birthday to someone who has been a huge presence in my life: my stunning sister! Thank you for always looking out for me, sis!
Your passion for what you do shines
through in how much effort and
dedication you put into your classes!

Happy birthday and thank you for
being an incredible teacher!
Happy birthday to you, my dear boss!

You treat everyone with such kindness and respect, which is undoubtedly why you are highly regarded by so many!

I’m wishing you a superb birthday today and many more happy years ahead! 
Happy birthday to an incredibly special lady in my life!

You are my mother sent from God; a sweet and kind lady I have been so fortunate to be blessed with. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without your input, that’s for sure!

I hope your special day today rewards you with the same kindness you’ve shown me over the years!
Dear father, I couldn’t let your birthday pass without writing to wish you well. May you have a truly glorious day. Respectfully yours in Christ.
Many happy returns, dear
godfather! Today, I am wishing
you the spectacular birthday that
you are more than entitled to!

I’m praying that only goodness
encompasses your life throughout
the year ahead and beyond, as
you are a warm-hearted man who
deserves nothing less!

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