20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

God only knows how I ended up
with an uncle so great, one who’s
not only family but also a dear mate.

May you have a very happy birthday
today, and bless you for being the
wonderful man that you are.
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
today, my live-in friend!

Getting to live with you day in and
day out really is the best gift, at least
for me it is! I just want you to know
how grateful I am for you.

I’m very lucky to have such a great
friend by my side at all times.
I’m kicking off the celebrations
early for your birthday this year,
as one day alone simply isn’t
enough to celebrate someone
who, to me, is so dear!

I hope your special day is
everything you deserve it to be!
Today means one thing and one thing only… You’re twenty-seven times more awesome than you were last year! I’m wishing you a very happy birthday!
We might be having to celebrate apart and somewhat different to usual this year but know that in my heart, you’re still just as dear. Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday, my friend!

Remember, you’re only ever as old as you feel. Unless of course you feel 60 because then you’re exactly as old as you are!
Happy birthday to the youngest 60-year-old I know! Anyone who says that you’re already past your prime obviously doesn’t know you very well at all!
Turning 60 means that you’ve completed the hard part of life’s journey, now you can start to unwind and relax and just enjoy the adventure! Happy birthday to you!
If I didn’t know any better I’d never guess it was your birthday today as you don’t look a day older, let alone a year! Happy birthday, my beautiful cousin!
Happy birthday to you, my one and only.

We share a love that’s deep and pure, one
that only grows stronger each year, more
and more. I couldn’t in my wildest dreams
wish for a better significant other than you.
My love, today we celebrate another
trip around the sun and what a
wonderful year it has been.

May this birthday of yours be a
particularly great one that leaves
many happy memories and joy
that continue warming your heart
long after your special day is over.
You deserve everlasting happiness,
my sweetheart.
Happy 18th birthday, my angel.

You are the kindest girl I know
with the sweetest heart of all.
I hope you know just how
proud I am to be your dad.
Grandmother suits you just right. You are grand because you are magnificent and you are a mother because you take care of me. Happy birthday!
You are not only a great grandmother, but also the best person I know. You care equally for everyone in the family. If someone is in distress, even a stranger, you always find the time for them and you go to great lengths to give them a hand.

I would be happy if I could become half the person you are.

Have a glorious birthday!
Our job can be complicated at times, but working with such a great partner like you makes it all better. Happy birthday!

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