20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Wishing a very happy birthday to a 
dear companion who’s fast approaching 
the senior citizen age! 

You may have some years on me, but 
regardless of that I feel like we 
connect so well. In spirit, our age 
must be the same. 

We share so many common interests 
that we are never stuck for topics 
to talk about. 

I’m thankful for having learnt so much 
from your wisdom and life experiences, 
and I appreciate you sharing and passing 
all of that knowledge on to me! 

Have an incredible birthday 
and a fantastic year ahead!
Happy birthday! I hope you have a ball on your very special sweet 16th birthday!
You put the grand in grandson, my
dear boy! You are truly magnificent
and deserve a fantastic birthday!
Happy birthday to the happiest child
I know: my beautiful granddaughter!

It fills my heart with so much love
and happiness every time I see your
lovely big smile! Just knowing how
happy you are makes me as happy
as I can be.

Have the most fabulous birthday
today, my dear! I hope that it is filled
with many magical moments!
I wanted to wish you a sweet sixteenth birthday, but you’re already sweet enough!

Happy 16th birthday, girl!
Happy birthday to a teen
Who has been a joy
To know growing up!

Wishing you many
Happy years ahead!
Wishing you all the success and
happiness possible on your very
special birthday this year!

Turning 30 is a significant time in
anybody’s life and I hope that yours
is a memorable one to enjoy looking
back on for a long time to come!

Have an absolute blast today and
I’m sending you all my very best,
my dear friend!
Happy birthday, big bro!

You’re going to need a big cake
this year to hold so many candles!
Today marks a very special time in your
life as you enter your teenage phase!

Happy 13th birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday to my very special little six-year-old!

I want you to know that whatever path you choose to take in life, I will always be proud of you and I will love you unconditionally, forever and ever.

You are my pride and joy and you will always mean the world to me.

Wishing you the very happiest 6th birthday, my dear!
There are no words sufficient enough to describe the emptiness I feel in my heart since you left this world.

You have been my biggest loss and I miss you each and every day, my dear. I love you with all my heart and I would give anything to spend one more day with you.

Happy birthday today, my angel.
Happy birthday to you!

Today you’re going to have the pleasure of your coworkers coming up to you and trying to guess how old you are!

If that doesn’t sound like fun I don’t know what does!

Enjoy your special day!
Happy birthday to the dearest woman I’ve ever known. When you passed away, mom, a part of my soul left with you.

I will always miss you, but at least when I think of you and the great times we shared, it brings a smile to my face rather than a tear to my eye.

Love you with all my heart forever.
Happy birthday, my little sweetheart!

For as long as I shall live, I will care for you and see to it that your heart is always full of love.
Happy birthday to the boss!

You never seem to lose strength in fighting for your goals, and your determination drives me to also want to do better!

I hope you have a well-deserved rest on your birthday this year! All the best!

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