20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

We come from different mothers
and we may not share the same
genes, but we’re similar enough
and close enough to be
considered sisters!

Happy birthday, bestie!
I am one proud stepmom today, as it’s
the birthday of my wonderful stepson!

May you have many years of happiness
ahead, my dear.
Happy 60th birthday to you and congratulations on reaching such a magnificent milestone!

The only downside to turning such a grand age, of course, is that by the time we’ve painstakingly finished putting every single candle on top of your cake your birthday will already be over!
If you’re wondering why I wrapped myself up as a present this year, it’s because I wanted to get you what your heart most desires! Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday, my dear brother!

They say that as you get older you
also get wiser, but seeing as that
hasn’t happened for you yet I guess
you’re still waiting for that golden
age that sees you finally turn wiser!

Don’t worry, bro, I’m sure you’ll get
there someday!
Happy birthday to you, sis!

If things tend to get better with age, you must be getting pretty close to magnificent now! Your age is merely the number of years that the world has been enjoying the wonderful person that you are! 
A role model is someone who inspires
us and makes us want to be better and
do better. They are admired, respected,
adored, and aspired to be like.

I see all of this in you and more, which
is why you’ll always be my biggest idol.

I’m wishing the very happiest 80th
birthday to you.
Happy birthday, cousin!

You may be another year older but you’d never be able to tell! I’m glad you’re still the same fun guy as when we were kids!
You’re my best friend and kindred spirit, girl. These combine to make you much more like a sister to me than anything else.

Thank you for being a part of the truly unique and fabulous friendship that we share.

May you enjoy this birthday and many more wonderful ones to come. Happy birthday, sis.
Happy birthday to my uncle, a man truly like no other!

You light up any room with your big personality and warm the hearts of all those around you with your kind soul. You really are a very remarkable man.
Dear mother-in-law,
I’m grateful to have
you in my life, for you
are truly the best and
I am the proudest
son-in-law there is.

Today I’m wishing you
a wonderful birthday,
and I hope life never
stops surprising you
with lovely things.
Your parents don’t like me spoiling you and showering you with gifts? Good, it means I’m doing my job right! Happy birthday, sweet niece!
Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
Congratulations need to be double
On your very special day,
Otherwise there would be trouble.

You will always have each other,
To support, to listen, to love,
This relationship is like no other,
You both will ever have.

You look so much alike,
But act in different ways.
We never see you apart,
Not for a second, not for a day.

May your birthday be double the fun!
You will always be one of the most important women in my life, sis!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!

I may not get the opportunity to tell you each working day how much I appreciate you as an employee, so today I want to recognize you for everything that you do.

Many thanks for your hard work, and for always keeping things running smoothly. Have a great day!

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