20 Emotional Birthday Wishes To Express Your Heartfelt Thoughts

Happy birthday to my favourite teen!

The years are passing by quicker than ever! I can’t believe that you’re almost old enough to start driving! How is it possible!? It feels like only yesterday you were learning to walk! You’re growing up fast and into a wonderful person, I must say.

Enjoy these exciting teenage years and all of the new privileges that come with them!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

It’s at this point in life that many people
start to wonder what they’ve done, and
where they’re going. Well, my friend, I
can tell you that what you’ve done so
far in your life is touch the lives of so
many around you, and you’ve made
some incredible achievements.

Your impressive past only tells me
that your future will be amazing, and
that you’re heading down the best
path possible!
Wishing you an incredible birthday from the whole team here!

We hope you enjoy a well-deserved break!
Happy 18th birthday!
Now the fun really starts!

Enjoy your newfound freedom
and privileges, my friend!
Happy birthday, little one!

The first year of your life
has been incredible!

It wasn’t necessarily the
easiest of ours, but it was
by far the happiest!
Happy birthday to the world’s greatest companion: my lovely dog!

You never allow me to feel lonely as you’re always right there by my side. You’re the greatest friend a human could have!

I hope you enjoy a day filled with treats and cuddles!
Happy 13th birthday, my dear!

As a teenager, it’s your given right to be awkward and argumentative!

Enjoy the privilege while you can!
I’m wishing a very happy birthday to the world’s cutest 10-year-old today!

I don’t want to accept the fact that you’re growing up, my dear, but before long I’ll simply have no choice but to face the fact that you are!

I hope you enjoy this special birthday of yours and I hope you continue to grow up as fantastically as you are!
Being a parent isn’t always easy, but the reward is worth the effort when you end up with an amazing son like you!

I am overjoyed with what a remarkable young man you are becoming!

Happy birthday to you today, kiddo!
Today is a particularly special day as we get to celebrate the anniversary of your birth! Many congratulations and a very happy birthday to you!
Now that you are 4
You can do so much more
Than you could when you
Were 1, 2, or 3!

I’m wishing you the loveliest
4th birthday ever, sweetie!
I hope your magical day is
Full of exciting surprises!
Happy birthday, work buddy!

You actually make this an enjoyable place to work, which I never thought I would say! Thank you for all the laughs and great memories along the way!

I hope you have a fantastic birthday and a great year to come!
We were brought together as stepsisters, but our bond made us sisters. Wishing you a lovely birthday, my sweet sister!
A very happy birthday to you today! You are a fantastic manager and a great role model in general!

You take the bad with the good and never lose focus on the task in front of you. I truly admire you for that!
You are proof that you don’t have to be blood-related in order to be an incredible, loving parent!

Happy birthday to you today!

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