Short Birthday Wishes

4952 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday to someone super special!

I’ve admired you for a long time now, and you never cease to amaze or inspire me!
Happy birthday, girl!

I count my blessings each and every day
for having a cousin like you. You truly
are a very special person in my life.
I’m sending all my love to one of my closest friends today! Happy birthday! Know that you’re so very precious to me and you always will be!
My special day has come around once again! I’m wishing a self happy birthday and looking forward to sharing my birthday celebrations with you all! 🥳
You’re the love of my life
Today and tomorrow
And you always will be
For each day to follow.

Happy birthday, love.
Happy birthday to a sweet girl and dear friend of mine who is blossoming into a beautiful young woman! You are becoming more gorgeous by the day, my lovely!
Sometimes I wish you were my sister
But then I worry we might fight
So to have you as a cousin
Seems to be just right!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to someone who
I love and care about deeply!

You’ve had more of an impact
on my life than you’ll ever know,
my dear.
Having a sister like you is one
of my greatest blessings in life.
I’m sending my very best birthday
wishes your way on your special
day today.
Happy birthday, girl!

In another lifetime we must’ve been sisters, as we are true soul sisters and our eternal bond is so strong!
You are the luckiest parents in the world for being blessed with such a beautiful little angel. Happy birthday to you all!
Happy birthday, my soulmate!

With marriage comes commitment, no matter how close or far away we are from each other. My love for you stretches farther than any distance!
Happy birthday, honey!

Even when you’re far away from home I don’t feel disconnected from you, as our love is so true and deep that it can withstand anything!
A brother so close to my heart
Who’s been there from the start
I’ll always be there for you too
Supporting you in all that you do.

Happy birthday.
It’s great having an aged friend like
you as I get to feel like the young
one of the two of us!

Happy birthday to you, buddy!

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