Short Birthday Wishes

4952 happy birthday wishes found:

It’s your birthday, girl!
Time to celebrate your life:
so be happy, smile every
single second of today
and start another year
of your blessed life the
best way possible.

Happy bday, bestie!
Cheers to our magnificent compadre!

We are all raising a glass in your honour
today, to celebrate another fantastic year
of your life! Happy birthday to you!
The best thing about sharing your birthday with your twin brother is that there’s double the amount of cake! Happy birthday, bro!
My dear baby girl
Oh how you’ve grown
In just the short time
Of one year alone!

Wishing you a lifetime
Of happiness, my
Beautiful granddaughter!
The everlasting memories and sweet moments we shared will see me through the darkest of days and even put a smile on my face.

Love and miss you always, mom.
Happy birthday to a special someone
I care for deeply and, who in truth,
I’m infatuated with completely!
Happy birthday, little bro!

Each year, just when I think you couldn’t
get any better, you go and surprise me
by becoming even more magnificent!
Happy birthday, my dear.

May you continue to grow up to be
the strong, beautiful woman you are
already becoming. There’s no limit
to what you can achieve.
Happy birthday!

You might think that your best years are already behind you, but actually they’re only just beginning!

Now you can finally slow down, relax, and enjoy life!
It’s rare to find two people
Who are as amazing as you
And as beautiful as me
There’s only one explanation
Twin sisters, we must be!

Happy birthday to us!
Thank you for being the only teacher
whose homework doesn’t feel like a
chore. To me, it’s just as enjoyable
as your classes!

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, brother! Your birthday cake is definitely going to present a fire hazard this year, what with all the candles that’ll be on top of it!
On your special day this year,
I want you to know that to me,
you are so dear. I couldn’t wish 
for a more meaningful or better 
best friend than you, girl.
I will be there for you
Until the end of time
I’ll devotedly be yours
And you will be mine.

Happy birthday, my
Wonderful wife.
I’ve known from the very start that nobody in the world would be more special to me than you. Love you to the moon and back, little bro! Happy birthday!

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