Short Birthday Wishes

4952 happy birthday wishes found:

I know everyone remembered you yesterday, but I’m the only one still thinking of you today! I hope you had a great day. Belated happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the man sent straight from heaven to protect and care for me!

I’m wishing you a blessed day, godfather!
Happy birthday to the most inspirational teacher I have had the fortune of being taught by!

You are definitely among the elite!
Happy birthday to someone so integral to my life! You mean the world to me and I don’t know where I’d be without you!
Happy birthday to the dear father of my spouse and the kindest man I’ve met. You deserve all the wonderful things that come your way in life.
Happy birthday to an uncle who is worth his weight in gold! I hope your special day is great, as you truly mean the world to me.
We’re not fortunate enough to spend your birthday together this year, but you’re the man of my dreams and worth the wait to celebrate with.

Happy birthday, my love.
A daughter, a friend, and an inspirational young woman. I’m sending you all my love from the very bottom of my heart today, my sweetheart.

Happy 18th birthday to you.
Your birthday only comes around once a
year so blow out your candles, make a big
wish, and enjoy lots of cake! Cheers to you!
Happy birthday to a truly lovely and mesmerizing lady who has already won the hearts of many and gained a whole bunch of loyal subjects for life!
Happy birthday from your favourite employee! I hope you have a fantastic day as you are a genuinely great lady and an incredible boss!
Happy birthday to the most wonderful
blessing in my life! I'm sending lots of love
to you today, my precious goddaughter!
I have great respect and
gratitude to you for inspiring
and allowing me to choose
my own spiritual path!

May you have the happiest
of birthdays today!
Today you are older than ever before, as we’re celebrating the fact that you’re turning four! Happy birthday to you, little one!
Happy birthday, my friend! I hope the weather is good for you on your special day this year, as we wouldn’t want it to rain all over your parade!

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