Short Birthday Wishes

4952 happy birthday wishes found:

Nobody has inspired me to follow my dreams as much as you have, miss! Thank you for your never ending support and belief in me! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to someone who doesn't get nearly enough recognition for all of the good that they do! You have such a positive impact on so many young minds!
Happy birthday, bestie!

I hate to be so far away and miss your
birthday this year but trust me if there’s
any way I could’ve avoided it I would have!
Good, decent brother-in-laws
There are more than one or two
But a truly great one like you
There are but very few!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to somebody who is nothing short of a saint! I mean, you must be to put up with a roommate like me!
We don’t need a piece of paper
to tell us that we’re sisters-in-law
because deep down in my heart,
you’re the truest of sisters to me.

Happy birthday, my dear. 
Happy birthday to my longtime best friend! You’re a true gal pal and I feel privileged and blessed to have had you in my life all these years!
Happy birthday, bro!

You deserve a very big and extra special gift on your birthday for surviving another year of putting up with an annoying sister like me! 
Happy birthday, lil sis!

You might be another year older but you’d never be able to tell. I wish I’d inherited the youthful genes that you clearly got!
Happy birthday to the most precious little gal! May only happiness warm your heart on your special day this year.
For someone special
and so dear to me, may
these wishes be touching
and fill you with glee.

Happy birthday, my love.
Mom, you are the kind of parent that most daughters wish they had. I’m so grateful for you and everything that you do. Happy birthday ❤️
Happy birthday to my boyfriend
who turns another year older yet
no more mature than before!
My lovely nephew, the light of my heart, is celebrating another year of life. Happy birthday, my dear! I wish you a lifetime of joy and love.

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