Short Birthday Wishes

4952 happy birthday wishes found:

A magnificent female figure and dear sis so close to my heart, I wish you all the love, luck and happiness in the world today! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, buddy!

I truly value the solid relationship that we’ve built, and I couldn’t wish for a better family member than you!
Kind, sweet, 
Caring and sincere
Are just some of the traits 
You have, my dear!

Wishing you a lovely birthday,
My darling stepmother!
We didn’t get a choice of whether or not we wanted to be siblings, but we decided to become friends all by ourselves! Happy birthday, my dear big sis!
For everything that you are 
And everything that you do
I’m wishing today that all 
Of your dreams come true!

Happy birthday, special one!
Everything I have learned from you will stick with me for a lifetime, as your lessons are of invaluable significance to me! Happy birthday to you today, dear teacher!
Today’s your special day
Dear friend of mine
I’m hoping your birthday
Is simply divine!

Big birthday wishes to you!
To the mother-like figure who
has been in my life since day 1,
I’m sending lots of love and
wishing the happiest birthday
possible today!
Damn! Your birthday was yesterday?
I totally forgot!

You should seriously consider
getting better friends!

Happy belated birthday to you!
Being away from such 
A special person 
On such a special day
Is far from ideal, 
But I’m with you in spirit,
Wishing you an 
extraordinary birthday!
Today is your special day and for all that you do for me, I’m wishing you the most spectacular birthday possible! Enjoy your day, papa!
I know that nursing can be a stressful profession, but it doesn’t appear to have aged you one bit!

Happy birthday to you today!
Happy birthday to you, daddy dearest!

For the wonderful man that you are,
I hope you have an equally wonderful
birthday today!
A super special sister deserves a super
special birthday! I’m sending all my love
to you on your special day today!
Happy birthday, kiddo! Don’t forget to make some big wishes on your special day today, and may all of those dreams come true for you throughout the years ahead!

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