Happy birthday, my fabulous sister! Every day must be like a birthday for you, as you’re lucky enough to have the best sibling in the whole entire world!
20 is the age everyone can’t wait to be, and afterward forever wish they still were! Enjoy this very special age and treasure it for as long as you can!
When I think of who to look to academically, your name’s always the first that comes to mind. Happy birthday to you and all the best for your senior year!
Happy birthday to you, lovely lady! There are many people whose birthday could forgetfully pass me by but yours is not one of them, yours I could never miss!
Many congratulations! I must say that I already pity your new baby a little though as it’ll have to listen to you singing many lullabies, and I’ve heard you sing!
I wish only the best for you always, my friend, but since it’s your birthday today I’m sending some extra special wishes your way. May you have a truly fabulous day!