Sister Birthday Status

411 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday big brother from your visibly younger, funnier, and more attractive sister!

Don’t worry, you also have some good attributes too - they're just perhaps a little less obvious!
I wish for the loveliest things to bless your life each day, my dear sister, but I’m wishing just that little bit more so for you today! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, sis!

You are as dear to me as any sister
could be! I’m truly blessed to have a
sibling with such a beautiful soul!
We were brought together as stepsisters, but our bond made us sisters. Wishing you a lovely birthday, my sweet sister!
A super special sister deserves a super
special birthday! I’m sending all my love
to you on your special day today!
Naturally, anyone with a sister 
Thinks that theirs is the best, 
But the truth will always be:
Mine’s better than the rest!

Happy birthday, sis!

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