Sister Birthday Status

411 happy birthday wishes found:

Don’t let another birthday get you down,
sis! After all, what difference does one
more year really make at this point!
Sometimes crazy but always amazing
You're just like a sister to me, cousin
Age might not be your friend, cousin, but I always will be! You can always rely on me for sisterly support no matter how old you get!
Big sisters are there for you no matter what
I see a lot of myself in you, little sis
Happy birthday to a girl who has stuck by me like a sister. We’ll be the best of friends forever and ever.
I’m blessed to have a sister like you
Touching birthday wishes for my forever friend
Happy birthday, dear sister. It truly is heart-touching to have a beloved elder sister who I can look up to the way I do you.
Happy birthday to a unique
Cousin who’s as funny as you
I’m thankful for the laughs
And your true friendship, too!
You’ll always be my sister from another mister
An adorable little star in my life
Happy birthday, sis!

Remember, today is your special
day and it’s all about you!

Come to think of it, so is every
other day actually!
A brother who will always be a blessing to me
We're like two peas in a pod
Happy birthday to you today
my dear, ageing sister!

Looks like we might have to
get two cakes this year to
accommodate all of the candles!
Happy bday, sis!

My gift to you this year
is that I’ll finally admit
you’re the favourite child!
To me, you’ll always be that precious little kid I grew up with who I’d watch over with all the love and care in the world. Happy birthday, sis!
Happy birthday to my younger sister
who is hardly ever annoying anymore!

I hope you have a spectacular day of
celebrations today, sis!
Sure, getting lots of gifts on your birthday
is nice but no gift will ever be as great as
simply having a wonderful cousin like me!

Happy birthday, girl!
Happy birthday from the older
and much better-looking sibling!

Just kidding, sis! I hope you
have a wonderful birthday today!
My dear sweet sister
Today is your special day
May it imprint on your heart
In the most memorable way.

Happy birthday and best wishes.
No matter how old we grow or how far apart from one another we may be, you will always be the most special sister to me. Happy birthday, dearest sister.
It might feel like you’re getting older by the minute, but no matter how old you get you’ll always be my sweet little sister!

Happy birthday, sis!

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