101 Lovely Simple Blessings and Birthday Wishes for Sister

Happy birthday, little sister!

I know you’ve always aspired
to grow up to be more like me
but don’t worry, someday you too
will be as gorgeous as can be!
Happy birthday to my sister who
only gets more beautiful with age!

May you continue to defy mother 
nature for many more years to come!
For someone so special
The most wonderful sis
Yours is a birthday
I would never miss.

Wishing you a heartfelt
Happy birthday, sister.
Happy birthday to the person whose
birthday is naturally easy for me to
remember: my beloved twin sister!

Thank you for being the best sibling
and friend a person could ever hope for.
I’m truly blessed to share so much with
someone so great!
Happy birthday to
My sister from another
A truly fabulous gal pal
A dear friend like no other!
There must be but a handful of brothers as heart touching as you are. I feel beyond blessed to be your sister. Happy birthday to you, dear brother.
My beloved twin sister,
We share a connection 
That runs deep, 
A bond truly unique
Built strong enough
To last all eternity.
You’re a faithful companion
Through and through, and
I know I’ll always have
A true friend in you.
My dear sister,

It pains me to say happy birthday from
so far away, but I hope your special day
is as wonderful as you are.
Just because you’re far away this year, 
To me, it doesn’t make you any less dear.
You’ve always been close to my heart
As, in my life, you’ve played a big part.

Happy birthday to you, my sweet sister.
Happy birthday to me, and to you too, I guess! You are a gift that keeps on giving, my dear sister!

In you, I know that I have a friend for life and someone who will always be by my side. We will stick together forever, sis!
Friendship is a choice but when it
comes to family it’s all down to chance!

Thankfully, I was lucky enough to
end up with a sister like you!

Happy birthday!
Having a younger sibling like me is tough competition and while you may not have won the title of favorite child when we were growing up, you’ll always hold the prestigious position of fav sister to me!

Happy birthday to you!
My dearest twin sister, today sees us become older, wiser, and more beautiful than ever before! Our fabulousness is identical!

Here’s to us on our special day, and may this year to come be a truly wonderful one!
Happy birthday to my fabulous sister who is so generous and forgiving, and quite simply the nicest person I know!

Your big heart and kind nature are actually very lucky for me, as I may have forgotten a small but important detail this year: to get you a birthday gift!
From one sister to another, I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays today.

Even though we can’t be together to celebrate in person today, we’re also never truly apart. Sisters share a special bond that ties them at the heart.

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