101 Lovely Simple Blessings and Birthday Wishes for Sister

It’s rare to find two people
Who are as amazing as you
And as beautiful as me
There’s only one explanation
Twin sisters, we must be!

Happy birthday to us!
Happy birthday, sis!

The years might not be on your
side, but I always will be!

I’ll be there for you no matter how
old, gray, and wrinkly you get!
Happy birthday, little sis!

I’m blessed to have had
such a wonderful sidekick
like you all these years!

May you continue to follow
in my fabulous footsteps!
Don’t let another birthday get you down,
sis! After all, what difference does one
more year really make at this point!
Happy birthday, sis!

Remember, today is your special
day and it’s all about you!

Come to think of it, so is every
other day actually!
Happy bday, sis!

My gift to you this year
is that I’ll finally admit
you’re the favourite child!
Just like the love and
respect I have for you
which is so clear to see,
older and wiser than me,
you will always be.

I’m wishing you a wonderful
birthday filled with joy this
year, my dear brother.
To me, you’ll always be that precious little kid I grew up with who I’d watch over with all the love and care in the world. Happy birthday, sis!
Happy birthday, little one! I know that having a remarkable elder sibling like me must be such a privilege, so you’re welcome for that!
Happy birthday from the older
and much better-looking sibling!

Just kidding, sis! I hope you
have a wonderful birthday today!
Growing in your shadow, I felt safe and protected. Through your shadow, I could always find the light pointing in the right direction. You made my life easier.

Thank you for your love and protection. May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
Happy birthday, sis!

Today is your special day so I won’t
make it all about me, but as you turn
another year older I can’t help but be
reminded of the fact that I’m even
older than that! Thanks a lot!
Congratulations to you on your
special day, sis!

Your birthday is always a welcome
time for me because it’s just one more
reminder that you’re older than me!

I know it’s not my birthday, but that’s
the best gift you could ever give to me!
You might be getting older today, sis, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re getting any wiser!

I’m just kidding with you! You'll always be my role model as I’ve learned so much from you and you’ll always be one of my biggest inspirations!

Happy birthday to you!
They say that the best things in life come in pairs and God obviously thought so too otherwise he wouldn’t have created us! Happy birthday, twinny!

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