SMS Birthday Wishes

140 happy birthday wishes found:

Another year spent with you by my side is one more year I’ll cherish forevermore.

Happy birthday to you, my dearest.
I’m so happy and excited 
To celebrate you turning 16
May your remaining teen years
be blessed with love, happiness, 
and everything in between!

Happy 16th birthday!
Sending the best birthday wishes to my brother from the funniest sister! You’re lucky to have such a spectacular sibling who is as funny as I am!
Happy 16th birthday, my dude! May you have a cool and chilled sweet sixteen!
The time has come around once again to celebrate another year of your life! I hope your special day this year is phenomenal, my dear!
To a person who means more
to me than words can say,
I’m wishing you everything great
on your special day.

Happy birthday, my dear!
Today’s a really big deal
As you’re turning 16
Stay true to yourself
And always keep it real!

Happy 16th birthday!
Happy birthday to the funniest guy I know: my brother! I hope you have a day that’s as funny and as hilarious as you are!
Congratulations to you on turning sixteen!

Your 16th birthday is a big one, so I hope that it’s everything you hoped it would be!
Happy birthday, brother! Your birthday cake is definitely going to present a fire hazard this year, what with all the candles that’ll be on top of it!
I’m sending only the most special wishes your way today on your birthday, my dear!

I hope it’s everything you wanted it to be!
I’m wishing for all things great and wonderful to bless you as you celebrate your special day this year, my dear! A very happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, brother!

I didn’t get you a gift this year, but
never fear because I’m here! I mean,
what better gift is there than me!
Happy birthday, dear! You are one of my most favourite humans ever and I’m thoroughly looking forward to celebrating your special day with you! 
Your 16th birthday is without a doubt one of the most magical and special birthdays you’ll ever celebrate. I hope you enjoy every second of it!

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