Birthday Wishes for Someone you Admire

41 happy birthday wishes found:

Happiest of birthdays to you, my dear! I may well put you on a pedestal and look up to you greatly, but that’s only because it’s where you belong!
For the one I love and cherish with all my might, I’m wishing you a birthday that’s wonderfully bright!

Happy birthday to you today, my dear!
You aren’t simply someone I appreciate; you are the person I most respect and hold the highest admiration for. May you have the most perfect birthday today.
Happy birthday to the one who stole my heart, the one I so admire and have been infatuated with from the very first moment that we met!
Happy birthday, my dear!

I could go on for days about how highly I think of you, but really all I need to say is that I think you’re a truly remarkable human being and I am blessed to have you in my life.

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