Birthday Wishes for Soulmate

648 happy birthday wishes found:


We took a vow to be there for one 
another no matter what, and to love 
each other unconditionally. I can say 
with certainty that not a day has gone 
past where I haven’t felt that. You are 
my rock and the love of my life. 

Happy heartfelt birthday to you, 
with all my love.
Sweet, touching wishes for my lover
Another trip around the sun, dear wife
My love for you is vast 
It runs so very deep
I think about you when I’m awake
I’m dreaming of you in my sleep.
To me, you’re as magnificent as
The greatest depths of the ocean
I was allured and enchanted by you
As if under a magic spell or love potion.

Happy birthday to you, my sweet love.
You’re my favorite boyfriend of all
You are my happiness, my love
You’re another year older
More beautiful than ever
Today I’m celebrating you
And another year together.

I’m so blessed to go through life
With a woman who’s like no other
I’m looking forward to our future
So much we still have to discover.

Happy birthday, my love.
Another incredible year, my love
This distance will soon be a thing of the past
You are someone I look up to, a
person I admire with my whole heart
You are the other half of me which is
why from you, I could never be apart.

Happy birthday to you, my love.
May your birthday be a day
Full of happiness and glee
May it bring just as much
Joy as you bring to me
May you receive everything
That your heart desires 
May all your dreams come true
Because you deserve it all
Quite simply for being you.

Happy birthday, my love.
You make a handsome sidekick, my love
Every child deserves a father like you
Happy birthday to you, my love.

Since the day you entered my life,
my world has changed for the better.
I’m blessed to share my life with you, wife
You appear more handsome with age
You’re growing up so quickly
right before my eyes, but one
thing I can always be certain
of is that as you continue to
grow so will my love for you!

I’m wishing you a very happy
eighth birthday today!
So another wonderful year has come and gone, and I am so grateful that I have been able to share so many great experiences with family and friends.

Thank you all so much for the messages and well-wishes, and for making not just my birthday super special but for always being there in my life and making my whole year so amazing!

My love and gratitude to you all!
This year, I’m ahead of the game with advance happy birthday wishes for my love! May your day be as truly special and as wonderful as the person you are!
The most important person in my life
is celebrating their birthday today, and
I just want to show my love for them
with a special birthday message!

Happy birthday to you today, my
sweetheart! I’m sending all my love
your way!
Happy birthday to my love, my boyfriend, and my best friend! I hope your special day warms your heart as much as you warm mine, my special man!
My love, today sees you complete another
beautiful year of your life, filled with many
heart-touching moments and memories
to forever cherish. I am blessed to have
been on this journey with a perfect
boyfriend like you.

You make me so happy and for that, I am
eternally grateful for you. Happy birthday
with wishes full of love from your girl.
Happy anniversary to my love and
best friend!

You are always there to support me,
through thick and thin, and just by
having you by my side makes me
feel like anything is possible.

Thank you for always being my rock!
Happy anniversary, handsome!

While we’re not able to spend this one together in person, I want you to know that you are always on my mind and always in my heart.

I love you more than anything on this planet and I always will do.

Sending all my love and thousands of kisses to you from afar today!
I’ve searched to the very bottom of my heart to send you my deepest birthday wishes today, my love.

I wish I could be with you in person to celebrate your special day and make it more romantic, but we will make up for it when we’re reunited soon.

I'm sending you all my love today and the biggest birthday kisses possible.

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