Birthday Wishes for Special Person

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It’s difficult to find the words to express exactly how much you mean to me and to accurately describe the incredible human being that you are.

Though really all you need to know is that you warm my heart each and every day just by being you.

Happy birthday to you today from the bottom of my heart, my dear.
You are as special as can be
For a special person in my life
For someone special
And someone I love
I hope your birthday
Is beyond and above
As you are a person
Who truly deserves
The whole entire
World and more.

Wishing you a wonderfully
Heart-touching birthday.
Special wishes for someone special
You're always special to me
Happy birthday to my partner in crime! You are such a special person to me and you always will be, my friend!
Happy birthday to a special friend
You will always have a special place in my heart
Happy birthday to somebody so very dear to my heart!

I searched the dictionary cover to cover, but there are simply no words that adequately describe just how special of a person you are to me.

You truly mean everything to me, my dear!
Today is the special day of someone who is very special to me and I am grateful for the privilege of sharing another wonderful moment of your life.

May you have the most wonderful birthday and many more to come!
For someone special and dear to my heart
Happy birthday to my special one
You are the sunshine in my life
You warm my heart with love
You’re the spring within my step
A true gift from above.

To say I’m lucky to have you
Doesn’t even come close
As you truly are remarkable
And more unique than most.

Happy birthday, my love.
You'll always mean the world to me
You're the constant light in my life
Happy birthday to a super special friend of mine! Each year you shine brighter than ever before!
It’s hard to believe the incredible impact
that just one person can have on your life,
but the effect you’ve had on mine is huge.

You’re the center of my universe and I
can’t imagine a world where you’re not
a part of it.

Happy birthday to you, my dearest.
To my special someone on your
special day, I’m hoping that only the
very best things in life come your way.

You deserve the world for the sweet
person that you are, and for being
the person who gives me the most
happiness by far.

Happy birthday.
The most important day of the year on my calendar has come around once again, and I want you to know just how very special you are to me, my dear.

I’ve always held you very close to my heart, and I’ll continue to do so for many more years to come.

You truly do mean a lot to me.

May you have a wonderful birthday today.
It’s a very special day today because
someone truly special is celebrating
their birthday: you! Happy birthday!

I hope that every moment of your day
today brings a smile to your face and
happiness to your heart.

You deserve the world, my dear.
You are the light of my life, the person who
warms my soul. You’re the one who makes
me smile, and makes me feel whole.

There isn’t any other person on this planet
who is more special to me than you. You
truly are my everything.

I’m wishing the happiest birthday possible
to you today with all my love, my dear.
On this day many years ago, a truly precious gift was bestowed upon the world: you.

Each year that your birthday comes around is one more opportunity to celebrate the wonderfully special person that you are.

Happy birthday to you, my dear.
I’m sending you my very best
birthday wishes today, my dear.

You truly are someone so special
and unique, a remarkable person
I am so fortunate to have in my life.

May you receive many blessings
on your birthday today, as you
truly deserve the world.
It’s that time of the year where your special day comes around once again, and I’m over the moon to be wishing you well today. Happy birthday to you!

I hope you know just how important you are to me, as you are more than simply someone who is special to me, you are an integral piece of my heart.

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