Happy Birthday to Me and My Twin Sister

49 happy birthday wishes found:

It’s my birthday today and although
I don’t get it all to myself, that's okay
because I get to share it with my twin
and best friend in the world!
We share so much, twin sis
It’s mine and my twin sister’s birthday
On this birthday of ours, I want to
take the opportunity to let you know
just how grateful I am for you, my
beautiful twin sister.

I might not tell you as often as I
should, but you mean the absolute
world to me.

Thank you for being the best friend,
sister, and companion in life that I
could ever wish for.
Today is my birthday but not mine alone
I couldn’t ever forget your birthday, sis
As much as I would like today all to myself, I’m also happy that I’m able to share it with my twin sister!

We’re lucky to be a part of a unique minority that has this privilege, and I’m proud to be the twin of such a wonderful human being!

Happy birthday to us and here’s to many more birthdays together, sis!
Two gorgeous girls with matching birthdays
We're twins but one of us is younger, sis
Twin sisters for life
We will always be 
A strong bond we share
You and me
There are very few who 
Are as lucky as we are
To have the most special
Connection by far. 

Happy birthday to us
Both today, my dear sis.
Today isn’t just a special day,
it’s a doubly special day as it’s
both yours and my birthday!

We’ve shared many birthdays
now and one thing I have
learned for sure is that life is so
much better with you by my side.

Happy birthday, sis.
We're like two peas in a pod
Our birthday is my favorite day of the year
Happy birthday to my twin sister and me!

Today is our day, so let us enjoy it the best way we know how: with lots of cake while surrounded by all of our favorites!
Happy birthday to us, twin sis!

On our special day, there’s just one important thing I must say, which is that I’m so proud to be a part of this fabulous double act.

I couldn’t be happier or feel more blessed to be cut from the same cloth as you, sis!
Today’s a wonderful and very important day as it’s our birthday, my dear sister!

Some twins grow apart as they get older, but I am so thankful that we only seem to become closer, sis. I’ll always cherish the very special bond that we’ve been gifted with.
Happy birthday to us!

There are few things as precious to me in this world as you are, my dear twin sister. You make each day brighter and so much better.

I truly am so thankful to have a forever friend and sibling like you!
On this day,
Many years ago
Not one, but two
Incredible humans
Entered the world!

Happy birthday to me
And my twin sis!
Forever hand in hand
Always two by two
I’m so blessed to have
A friend and twin in you!

Happy birthday to us!
Today’s twice as special
A day I cannot miss
As it’s the birthday of
Me and my twin sis!
It’s rare to find two people
Who are as amazing as you
And as beautiful as me
There’s only one explanation
Twin sisters, we must be!

Happy birthday to us!
They say that the best things in life come in pairs and God obviously thought so too otherwise he wouldn’t have created us! Happy birthday, twinny!
Twins have a very special and unique connection, but really that connection is only as great as the bond that they share. I’m so glad that we decided to embrace ours and cherish it, sis.

You’re the most special person in the world to me, and the truth is simply that you always will be.

Happy birthday, my dear twin sister.

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