Happy Birthday to Me and My Twin Sister

49 happy birthday wishes found:

Isn’t it funny how it’s impossible for me to
forget your birthday, yet totally possible
for me to forget to get you a gift!

I have no excuses but really, who needs
fancy prezzies when we have each other!

I don’t want to speak for you, but a twin
sister like you is the best gift life could’ve
given me! Happy birthday to us!
Happy birthday to my absolute favorite
twin sister! I think the reason we get
along so well is simply because you
remind me a lot of myself!
Sure, being one of a kind is great,
but the only thing better than that
is being two of a kind!

If something is as wonderful as we
are, surely it’s better to have double
the greatness!

Happy birthday to us, my dear twin!
Happy birthday to my favourite twin
sister! We’ve been the best of friends
since the very beginning and we will
be forevermore!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday
today, at least as wonderful as it is
for me, too!
God clearly thought that we were so amazing it was worth making two of us!

Happy birthday to us, twin sis!
Not everyone is lucky enough 
To have a twin sister like you, 
In fact, in reality
There are very few!

There are many reasons
Why I love you so dearly
But for each one alone
I cherish you sincerely!

Happy birthday, sis!
As twins, we possess a truly special
bond and I feel so blessed that we’ve
been able to share our journey through
life together since day one.

I’m sending lots of love your way today
as we celebrate yet another birthday
of ours, sis!
Today is the birthday of not one,
but two beautiful beings!

That’s right, my twin sis and I are
celebrating our identical birthday
today! Happy birthday to us!
Today is your birthday, twin sis, which
means that it must be mine too!

Happy birthday to us and may we both
enjoy our very special day!
Happy birthday to us, twin sister!

It’s no coincidence that the best things in life come in pairs, and we’re living proof of that!

May we continue to amaze and delight all of those who have the pleasure of knowing us!
Today isn’t only my birthday, but also my twin sister’s too! I’m more than happy to share my special day with such an important person in my life!
A shared birthday is twice the fun and I’m privileged that I get to share mine with you, my twin sister!

Happy birthday to us!
My beautiful twin, my best
friend, and my guiding light.
To me, you are all these
things and more, my dear.

Happy birthday to us.
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Two tremendous twins are celebrating their birthday today: me and my sister!

I am so excited to celebrate this special day with all of our friends and family!
Having a twin definitely has its perks and one of them is that I get to spend my birthday with my favourite human in the whole world!

It really does make our birthday the most special event of the year!

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