130 Sweet and Romantic Birthday Wishes for Wife

A mother and wife
The love of my life
You’re a gift from above
You’re my one true love!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Happy birthday to my darling wife
My gorgeous wife, always more beautiful
Happy birthday to my wife
My one true love
What did I do to deserve you
You truly are a gift from above. 

Sending you lots of birthday love. 
Birthday wishes for a wife from husband
Each day I fall in love with you all over again
The very best wife deserves the very
best birthday wishes! Happy birthday!

May your special day be romantic
and filled with love, courtesy of
your wonderful husband!
You gave me everything, my dear wife
Home is where your wife is
Today, I have only the very best
birthday wishes for you, my wife,
with love from your husband.
My birthday message to
you this year, my dear wife,
is simple and sent with love,
just to say how much I adore
you, my angel from above.

Happy birthday and best wishes
from your ever-loving husband.
I’m blessed to share my life with you, wife
The woman who made my life whole
To my dear wife on your birthday, I’m sending you birthday wishes filled with love and joy. You deserve a birthday that celebrates you for the truly wonderful woman that you are.
Your love is safe with me, my dear wife
Happy birthday to my dear wife, so sweet and funny. Your love makes every day of my life so warm and sunny! 😎
I truly won the jackpot
With a wife like you
Who has so much beauty
And is super smart, too!

Your beauty and your brains
Are both mesmerizing, dear!
Happy birthday!
My dear wife,

These birthday wishes
Are filled with love
They are just for you
And for you alone
You’re the one for who
My heart beats with love
You truly are my angel
Sent from heaven above
So I promise to you that
While you’re by my side
I will always do my best
To keep you satisfied. 

Happy birthday, my love. 
Happy birthday, my sweet wife!

I have a secret for you… I have a special
smile which I save only for you! You
make me smile and laugh like no other!
They say that a man is only as good
as the woman he’s married to, which
I guess is why I’m so spectacular!
It’s all thanks to you, my love!

Happy birthday, my lovely wife!
You aren’t just the centre of my world, you’re my whole entire universe. Happy birthday with love, my darling wife.
Wishing my wonderful wife a happy birthday on her least favorite day of the year, the day she turns another year older!
Never in my life did I think it would be possible to find a friend so great, especially not one who would go on to become my wife. Thank you for being the greatest friend, life partner, and lover a guy could wish for. 💐
Today is your day and I'll do everything in my power to make sure it's a happy one for you, my dear wife. Sending you birthday wishes full of love.

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