130 Sweet and Romantic Birthday Wishes for Wife

Happy birthday, my sweetheart. Celebrating another birthday with you fills my heart with joy. I am so grateful for all of the sweet memories we have made this past year.
Love of my life,
today I’m wishing you
a lovely day full of joy
and surprises.
Happy birthday!
I've loved you since
I first saw you,
and I will love you
till the world ends.
Wishing you a
happy birthday!

Stay true to yourself,
fight for what you
love and want, and
never give up on us.
To the one I chose to spend my entire life
with, for better or for worse, I’m wishing
a super happy birthday today!
Happy birthday, honey.

I’m not going to tease you about your age or joke around on your birthday this year… I mean, the fact that you're turning such a grand age in itself is more than enough for you to deal with!
I’m wishing a very happy birthday with lots of love to my better half and my significant other! You complete me, my love! 😍
Happy birthday, my love! I know that you
worry about getting older but there’s really
no need, my dear.

Just think of it like this: you’re younger now
than you will be next year. If you simply keep
this in mind each year that your birthday
comes around you’ll never truly get old!
I love you and still I love you more, a paradox verging on nonsense. But the truth is, my love, despite loving you so immensely, wanting you so intensely, every day I love you more. Have a fabulous and wonderful birthday!
I hope your birthday this year is a funny one, my love! I mean, if you don’t laugh when you start thinking about your age you’ll cry instead!
Happy birthday, love!
Deciding to spend my
life with you was the
smartest decision I ever
made. Every day with
you by my side is made of
laughter and happiness,
and that’s all I ever wanted.

Hope you have a lovely day,
full of joy and wonderful surprises.
Happy birthday, wifey!

I know that you’re a little sensitive about your age and turning another year older, but whenever you’re feeling old all you have to do is look at me and I guarantee you’ll instantly feel younger!
There aren’t enough words in the English language to fully express just how much you mean to me, my love! You simply are my everything. Happy birthday ❤️
Happy birthday, my love! The only slight sign that you’re getting older is your laughter lines, and they’re only from having a funny husband like me!
Out of all the people in the world, what were the chances that two crazy kids like us would meet! In you, I truly found my soulmate.

Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday, hubby! You truly won the jackpot ending up with a wife like me, one that will keep paying out for a lifetime as you’ll always be stuck with me!

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