Happy Birthday Wishes for Woman

483 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy sweet sixteenth to a very stylish
little lady! You’ve gone from an adorable
little kid to the beautiful, sophisticated
young woman we know and love today!

Never stop being the fabulous person
that you are, my dear!

I wish you all the very best for your future,
and I hope that all your hopes and dreams
come true, sweetie!
Happy birthday to the dearest woman I’ve ever known. When you passed away, mom, a part of my soul left with you.

I will always miss you, but at least when I think of you and the great times we shared, it brings a smile to my face rather than a tear to my eye.

Love you with all my heart forever.
You’re 19 today and more fabulous than ever! Happy birthday to you!

Adulthood looks good on you as this past year has seen you glow up and blossom into the beautiful woman that you are today.

I am absolutely certain that all of the beauty you hold inside and out will only continue to grow with you, too.
Happy birthday to the kindest and sweetest lady who opened her arms and opened her heart to me!

I am very lucky to have such an inspirational woman in my life, and I’m even luckier that I get to call her mom.

Wishing you a delightful birthday today!
Happy birthday to the phenomenal woman and additional mother I was blessed with!

I hope your special day this year is full of delight and lovely surprises!
Years and years of experience come before you, all of which contribute to making you the wonderful woman that we all know and love today.

Happiest of birthdays to you.
You don’t just deserve people’s recognition because of your seniority, you deserve it because you’re a genuinely lovely and wonderful woman.

I’m wishing you a truly marvelous birthday.
Today marks 21 years that you’ve been brightening my days for, my darling daughter. I am so proud of the inspirational young woman you have grown up to be, and I have no doubt that you’ll continue to fill my heart with pride over the years to come.

Wishing you a very happy 21st birthday, my dear. Lots of love from mom.
To have a strong female role model
truly is one of the greatest blessings
for any girl. I’m fortunate that by being
your daughter, I’ve been lucky enough
to experience that from day 1.

Happy birthday, mom.

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