Birthday Wishes for Younger Brother

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Happy, happy, happy birthday to you!

You always were my annoying younger brother, and I’m pleased to say that you still are my annoying little bro!

The only thing that has changed over the years is that you’ve got older, better, and more experienced in discovering new and different ways to annoy me!
You're getting less annoying, younger bro
You mean the world to me, little bro
Little bro, if I can give you any advice
as your wise elder sibling it would
simply be to live in the moment and
enjoy each day of your youth.

Trust me, when you get as old and
withered as me you’ll be glad that
you did! Happy birthday, dude!
I’m proud that you’re my little bro
There aren’t many brothers like you
I’m wishing a very happy birthday to you today, bro!

I’ve spent so many years laughing at you and I’m sure that I’ll spend many more laughing with you! I’m so lucky to have a funny younger brother like you!
Happy birthday to a naughty younger brother
A little brother who reminds me of myself
Another year older and the signs of aging are starting to show! Welcome to the club of getting older, little bro!

I know I can’t make fun since I’ve got a bit of a headstart on you, but you’re quickly catching me up!

Enjoy being young-ish while you still can, my dear younger brother! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, bro! 

Like lots of little brothers you were
naughty, mischievous, cheeky, and
sometimes annoying growing up,
and I’m so glad to see that nothing
has changed since then!

May you never change, my dear
younger brother!
Being younger than me is a great gift
You’ll always be my little sidekick, brother
Happy birthday to my dear younger brother!

Keep following your dreams, little bro, and
who knows… someday you might even be
as awesome as me!
Touching wishes for a dear younger brother
Little brother, you’re older but no wiser
You might finally be growing up and catching me up, little bro, but you’ll still always be younger than me! In my eyes, you’ll forever be my baby brother!
Happy birthday, bro!

A little brother like you is actually a blessing
in disguise… At first I thought I was unlucky
to have a younger brother, but now as the
years go on I feel like the luckiest big sister
in the world!
Happy birthday, little brother!

Younger than me
You will always be
But never in my shadow
Will you ever be, kiddo!
Happy birthday to the best younger brother in the world! I’ve always looked out for you and I’ll continue to do so until the end of time.
Happy birthday, little brother! You can’t help but get older, but you can try your best to stay younger.

Just keep your childish sense of humor and don’t become any more mature! 
As my younger brother you might get
to make fun of me for being older than
you, but just remember that every year
my cake will always be bigger than yours
because it needs to hold more candles!

Now who’s laughing, bro!
Happy birthday, little brother! You might be jealous of your big sister in many ways, but I’ll always be envious of the fact that you’ll always be younger than me!
You may be older now. You may be all grown up.
You may have a job, a career and a family of your own.
You may be old enough to drive and to have a drink.
You may have grown-up conversations and meetings.

But to me, you haven’t changed a bit.
You will always be my little baby brother.
I wish you all the best on your special day.
Little brother, you’re growing up so
fast that it won’t be long before you
overtake me! In maturity, that is!

Have a great birthday! 🙌

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