Birthday Wishes for Younger Brother

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The day you entered the world as my younger brother truly was one of the greatest blessings in my life, and that feeling has only grown stronger since. I’m very lucky to have a little brother as wonderful as you are.

From my heart to yours, I’m wishing you the very best and happiest birthday possible.
I’m wishing the happiest of birthdays
to you today, my dear sister.

The special connection that we share is
something I simply couldn’t live without.
You’re the sweetest, kindest, and most
supportive sister I could ever wish for,
and I’m so grateful to have you in my life.

I truly am very blessed to be your
younger brother.
My sweet younger brother,
today you turn another
year older and I couldn’t
be prouder of the wonderful
man that you’re becoming.

I wish you nothing but the
very best in life, full of many
incredible achievements, and
I hope you have an amazing
future ahead of you.

I’m sending oodles of big
birthday love to you today,
dearest brother of mine!
A younger brother like you truly is a blessing.

Happy birthday. I’m sending heartfelt wishes your way on your very special day today.
I still remember holding you
In my arms, you were so small
It was right then that I knew
To me, you would always be 
The most special of all. 

Happy birthday, my sweet 
Younger brother. 
I’m wishing a birthday that’s as magnificent as can be, for my dear kid brother who is simply the greatest blessing to me!

May your special day fill you with all the joy and happiness that you’re so deserving of.
Happy birthday to my elder brother!

Yet another birthday has come around where I get to remind you once more that I am, and always will be, younger than you!

I hope you have a fantastic birthday today, my dear brother!
The day you entered the world will always be one of the best days of my life, as I was gifted the most amazing younger brother I could ever wish for. Ever since then, you have been touching my heart in so many ways and brightening each and every one of my days.

I truly am blessed to have a little brother like you to love. Happy birthday to you.
Your special day means so much to me, as it brings back all the wonderful memories that we’ve created together since we were younger and just kids.

I’m so grateful to have grown up with such a supportive and remarkable man by my side.

You’ll always mean the world to me, brother. Happy birthday to you today.
Happy birthday to the life 
And soul of the family:
My dear younger brother! 

You’re funny and entertaining 
Kindhearted and sweet. 
There’s no one quite like you
Nobody else can compete!

May you have the very best
Celebrations this year!
Happy birthday to my very visibly
elder brother!

When people look at us, they have
no trouble distinguishing between
who is older and who is younger!

I still have my youthful look, and
well, grey hair and wrinkles are
on the horizon for you, bro!

Don’t get down about it, though.
I still think you’re young and fun!

Enjoy your special day, bro!
Happy birthday to my cousin brother!

Don’t worry about getting another year older, as you’ll always have me around to keep you feeling young and fun! You can always count on me, cousin!
Seeing you grow up is funny because deep down I know you’re still the same little guy I grew up with! You’ll always be the mischievous brother I grew up with, and that never gets old!

May you always stay young, funny, and cheeky, brother! Happy birthday to you!
Our journey began when the youngest
of us, and I won’t publicly reveal which
one of us is the oldest, was brought
into this world, where we were born
into the same family and introduced
to each other as cousins.

However, over time our relationship
grew to much more than that.

Today, I consider you to be my
brother. Thank you for being one
of my very closest relatives and
such an incredible friend.

You have always been there for me
for as long as I can remember and
you mean a lot to me, bro! Have the
very best birthday this year!
Many see getting older
As something that is
Annoying and a bore
But to me, I think it’s  
Only a good thing
As I only like you better
Each year more and more!

Happy birthday from your
Favorite younger brother, sis!

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